PTTEP International Limited (PTTEPI) is planning to develop and produce gas from Block M9 located in the Bay of
Moattama, offshore of Myanmar. The field lies approximately 300 km south of Yangon and 240 km west of Tavoy off the
Myanmar coast. The gas will be transported through a new subsea export gas pipeline, approximately 260 km long, via
Block M7 to the existing Yadana and Yetagun Pipeline operating centers where gas will be taken off for domestic use in
Myanmar with a DCQ of 90 MMscfd. A new onshore pipeline will take the remaining gas to the existing metering station and
tie into the PTT 42” pipeline at Ban I-Tong on the Thai Border, with a DCQ of 210 MMscfd. The pressure requirement at the
Thai border is 950 psig initially.
Penspen Limited who is awarded the engineering consultant from PTTEPI. Pro-En is a subcontractor of Penspen Limited to
provide the civil & structural engineering.